What better place can I find to reflect on my life than the sky. As I'm flying back home, back to the life of nonstop running, back to the unfinished thoughts, things, and conversations - I'm trying to imagine how I can use my recent insights to improve me.
In my thoughts, I'm implementing my findings very well, in my actions - not yet. So what is my current way of acting:
2. Immediate Action
Result: the task is fulfilled with maximum speed
Disadvantage: as risks and stakeholders’ reactions were not pre-assessed - they start to backfire.
The value of the result: high for the target stakeholder; low for the side stakeholders
The new way of acting I want to use:
2. Pause and take a deep breath
3. Answer following questions
- Is it important?
- Does it require action?
- When?
- Does it involve other people?
- Who will be affected?
- In what way?
- How best to engage them? (Inform / ask advice / get opinion / brainstorm together)
4. Based on the answers choose the best way to involve all/most of the relevant stakeholders
5. Collaborate and confirm the course of action
6. Act
Result: the task is fulfilled if it is a) important, b) all / most of relevant stakeholders are involved in deciding on the course of action
Disadvantage: the speed of fulfilling the task decreases dramatically
The value of the result: medium for the target stakeholder; medium for the side stakeholders.
Mathematically speaking, the average value of the result is not affected.
On the human side, I can't make everyone happy. So far I've been prioritizing my target stakeholders and speed. This approach has alienated the team (side stakeholders) - my potential support network in keeping the target group happy long term.
And now I have my first chance to practice the new way.
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